Alright, so I guess I'm applying now.
Moderator Application (TTT)
Steam Name - pole
Steam ID -
Age - 13
How Can You Prove Your Age - I guess you can see by my not five year old but not fully mature voice? If you want my birth date it's 7/9/2000
Why Do You Want To Become Moderator - I play this server a lot and see that when you're afk and I join there is quite a lot of RDM and such, and I want to stop it.
Why Should We Consider You To Become A Moderator - Well, I've been on the server for quite a while, and I honestly don't know, I'd really like to be a mod on this server as it has lots of potental to be a great server, such as outerspace being the best owner I've seen, who doesn't act like he's the supreme leader, and all of the other people who play regularly are really nice, and I'd just like to take it a step further and become mod, to help new people (and ban the bad new people) and make a greater community for everyone as a whole. Now this is the part where I say "Thanks for reading and I hope you guys can vote me up as a moderator, thanks!", Right? No, it isn't. I'm not asking for you to vote me, just read it over and make sure you create a good decision on if I should or shouldn't be mod.
Moderator Application (TTT)
Steam Name - pole
Steam ID -
Age - 13
How Can You Prove Your Age - I guess you can see by my not five year old but not fully mature voice? If you want my birth date it's 7/9/2000
Why Do You Want To Become Moderator - I play this server a lot and see that when you're afk and I join there is quite a lot of RDM and such, and I want to stop it.
Why Should We Consider You To Become A Moderator - Well, I've been on the server for quite a while, and I honestly don't know, I'd really like to be a mod on this server as it has lots of potental to be a great server, such as outerspace being the best owner I've seen, who doesn't act like he's the supreme leader, and all of the other people who play regularly are really nice, and I'd just like to take it a step further and become mod, to help new people (and ban the bad new people) and make a greater community for everyone as a whole. Now this is the part where I say "Thanks for reading and I hope you guys can vote me up as a moderator, thanks!", Right? No, it isn't. I'm not asking for you to vote me, just read it over and make sure you create a good decision on if I should or shouldn't be mod.